General Family Resources
Free Internet Service:
How to explain the Corona-virus to your children:
NY Common Pantry
Address: 1290 Hoe Ave, Bronx NY 10459
Phone: 917-982-2700
Food Bank for New York City:
Phone: 718-991-4300.
City Harvest:
Phone: 646-412-0600.
Met Council on Housing – Tenants Rights Hotline:
Phone: 212-979-0611
NYC Well:
24/7 Mental health resource by call, text or chat 888-NYC-WELL
Diaper Assistance – The Hope Line:
Grocery Delivery Service – Instacart:
Grocery Delivery Service – FreshDirect:
Grocery Delivery Service – Stop and Shop PeaPod:
City Meals on Wheels for Elderly and Homebound New Yorkers:
Phone: 212-687-1234
Morisianna WIC Program:
Our WIC Program has been actively reaching out to new participants (pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children less than 5 years old) to let them know that the Morrisania WIC Program can certify all eligible participants – remotely! They can stay in the safety and comfort of their own homes and receive WIC benefits. We are also providing our Baby Café – Virtual Edition every Thursday – 11 AM English and 1 PM Spanish.
We have a Breastfeeding Chat Room for our Morrisania pregnant and breastfeeding families as well. CLICK HERE to access the link to our WIC Strong Morrisania page
Caring is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.
NYS Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The NYS Emergency Rental Assistance Program can assist those unable to pay rent due to COVID-19: or call 844-691-7368.
Lifeline is an assistance program offered by many telephone providers, including some wireless and cable companies, to help low income eligible consumers save money on their bills. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Financial Assistance, Costs and Payment Options for Eldercare in New York
Click HERE to get more information about New York residents and assisted living, home care, and adult day care costs throughout the state. Explore payment options and financial assistance programs available to assist in caring for the elderly, be that in residential care or for aging in place at home.
Retire Guide
RetireGuide is a free web resource dedicated to providing useful information to help older adults fulfill their retirement goals. We recently published what we believe to be the most easy-to-understand guide on the ins and outs of medicare. This free resource highlights coverage, costs, eligibility, and enrollment information, along with answers to some frequently asked questions. Click the links below to our senior benefits and discounts guide, please take a look.
FEMA Funeral Assistance Program
Did you incur costs after losing someone to COVID-19? FEMA may be able to assist you with funeral assistance. Visit the Bronx site below and speak with a representative in-person, call the helpline at 1-844-684-6333 (TTY: 800-462-7585) or visit for more information.
LOCATION: James Peters VA Medical Center
OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
NYC Housing Connect: Affordable Housing For Rent
NYC HOUSING CONNECT is your portal to find and apply for affordable rental and homeownership opportunities across the five boroughs of New York City.